Sunday, January 27, 2013


Mordecai was prominent in the palace; his reputation spread throughout the provinces, and he became more and more powerful. (Esther 9:4)

Looking at the life of Mordecai, one can see how God can effect mighty changes for the good in a person's life. This man, Mordecai, a Jew, once upon a time, sat at the king's gate, seeking mainly, the welfare of 2 persons- the king and his cousin (Esther), whom the king had chosen as queen. Though he had saved the king's life, he was neither rewarded  nor honoured immediately. What happened was......
During the time Mordecai was sitting at the king's gate, Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's officers who guarded the doorway, became angry and conspired to assassinate King Xerxes. But Mordecai found out about the plot and told Queen Esther, who in turn reported it to the king, giving credit to Mordecai. And when the report was investigated and found to be true, the two officials were hanged on a gallows. All this was recorded in the book of the annals in the presence of the king. (Esther 2:21-23)

Esther had given the credit to Mordecai, but the king had not rewarded him. Then came the evil plan of Haman, to destroy the Jews including Mordecai and Esther. Mordecai, Esther and the Jews fasted and God brought about a total reversal of the wicked plans of Haman. One of those night's, the king could not sleep and so he ordered the book of the chronicles to be read to him. He realized that no honour or reward was given to Mordecai who had saved his life. Thus came the first honour to Mordecai wherein he was robed with the king's robe and rode the king's horse through the city. Later on, after Haman was sent to the gallows by the king, Mordecai was honoured again. And finally.....Mordecai was prominent in the palace; his reputation spread throughout the provinces, and he became more and more powerful.

If you are passing through difficult times, remember that God is able to effect a total reversal for the good and he is also able to destroy every plan that the enemy forges against you. 

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